b-sharpe customers satisfaction, our service guarantee

To be fully transparent, we collect b-sharpe customer reviews through an independent review platform, Trustpilot.

Key facts about our customer review system

Trustpilot is an independent platform that allows us to gather feedback from our customers.
Their service is certified and complies with the NF Z74-501 standard.

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b-sharpe shows all notices, regardless of the rating. We do not filter the notices we display.


Truspilot automatically sends a customer review request to every customer who has performed a transaction.


b-sharpe cannot modify or delete a notice, only the customer can do so.

The latest b-sharpe customer reviews



"Fast, professional and great exchange rate.
The support is always available and provides fast and personalized solutions.I have not found any negative points."

cliente b-sharpe


"A company you can trust
Account creation is very quick and easy but still secure. Fast and good service since the first transaction. b-sharpe is a very practical and safe way to exchange your salary from another currency."