Swiss Franc / Pound Sterling Converter

The Swiss franc to pound sterling converter allows you to know the equivalent in pounds of the amount in Swiss francs that you wish to exchange. Enter the amount in Swiss francs and the exchange in pounds, calculated in real-time, will be displayed.

The CHF GBP exchange rates that we display are those that we apply to our customers making a foreign exchange transaction at the same time.


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What it costs to exchange Swiss francs into sterling pounds

Discover our comparison of different foreign exchange solutions. There are significant differences in the exchange rates applied by some institutions.

Amount in CHF to be changed to GBP Interbank reference rate Amount in pounds (and rate) received with b-sharpe Amount in pounds (and rate) received with banks* Amount in £ (and rates) with the exchange offices**
5'000 1.2267 4'055.81 (1.2328) 4'009.94 (1.2469) 3'965.11 (1.2610)
10'000 1.2267 8'111.62 (1.2328) 8'019.89 (1.2469) 7'930.21 (1.2610)
100'000 1.2267 81'314.03 (1.2298) 80'873.43 (1.2365) 79'302.14 (1.2610)
Amount in CHF to be changed to GBP : 5'000
Interbank reference rate : 1.2267
Amount in pounds (and rate) received with b-sharpe : 4'055.81 (1.2328)
Amount in pounds (and rate) received with banks* : 4’009.94 (1.2469)
Amount in £ (and rates) with the exchange offices** : 3'965.11 (1.2610)
Amount in CHF to be changed to GBP : 10'000
Interbank reference rate : 1.2267
Amount in pounds (and rate) received with b-sharpe : 8'111.62 (1.2328)
Amount in pounds (and rate) received with banks* : 8'019.89 (1.2469)
Amount in £ (and rates) with the exchange offices** : 7'930.21 (1.2610)
Amount in CHF to be changed to GBP : 100'000
Interbank reference rate : 1.2267
Amount in pounds (and rate) received with b-sharpe : 81'314.03 (1.2298)
Amount in pounds (and rate) received with banks* : 80'873.43 (1.2365)
Amount in £ (and rates) with the exchange offices** : 79'302.14 (1.2610)

*Average from 5 major Swiss banks. Data were collected at the same time (day, hour, minute).
**Average realized from the 3 best known and cheapest exchange offices in Geneva. Data were collected at the same time (day, hour, minute).
*** It is not possible to exchange such an amount in a foreign exchange office, so this amount is given for information purposes only.

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